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A Glimpse Into My Core Values…?

Have you ever decided to slow down the pace for the day, set aside some time to think, and really focus on what your personal core values are?

If you have never taken the time to intentionally do this, I would encourage you to! It’s not something that has to be done often per se, since core values are just that: core to us, so they don’t change very frequently. All the same, taking a look at my core values every so often helps keep my perspective straight and my life moving in the direction I want it to move. In today’s blog, I want to tell a bit about one of my core values: instilling a strong work ethic in my children from a young age!

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One reason I consider this a core value is that it was instilled in me at a young age. I grew up the youngest of five siblings, and I can assure you, we were no slouches! From my parents to each of my siblings, to myself, we valued character and responsibility, and we seemed to always have a personal goal we were trying to meet. This strong work ethic carried me far during high school, college, and into my career. And I’ll always hold that the younger you are, the easier it is to learn (and be taught!) foundational mindsets like this.

Taking a look at my own life, I can see the values my own mother planted in me, trickling down through the generations and taking root in my daughters. Whether it’s yard work, scrubbing floors, helping to cook dinner, or learning the how-to’s of laundry, it is important to me to teach my children life skills while they’re still children. Life wasn’t handed to me on a silver platter, and it won’t be handed to them either. But one thing I have noticed is that families who work together and who do the less-than-fun-things together are stronger. They understand what matters in life. And those children have a solid foundation on which to build for the rest of their years!

Want to talk core values, or anything else? Give me a call? 251-656-5758

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