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New Year, New Beginnings!

It’s a NEW YEAR!

Can you believe it’s already January 5th? Every year around November and December, one moment will just hit me and I stop, look around, and think to myself, “WOW! We are almost to the end of this year…again!” I don’t know about you, but some days of the year can crawl by so slowly, some race by in a whirlwind of appointments and to-do’s, but overall, a year seems like it passes so quickly. I mean, I can still remember what I was doing during the first week of January last year, and it’s just crazy that a whole year has gone by since then. One thing I know for sure is that last January, I had no clue what was awaiting us in 2020. This year has been unexpected and challenging, to say the least, but at the outset of each year, I’m filled with a sense of expectancy for the year to come. There’s simply something wonderful to me about buying a new, empty planner and realizing that I’m at the point of fresh beginnings. Although the planner doesn’t stay empty for long?, I find fresh hope in that “clean slate” mentality. The close of the year usually finds me reflecting on the successes, mistakes, and lessons of the previous months, so that I can enter the new year with greater wisdom…and if I am to make more mistakes (which is inevitable), at least I won’t make the same mistake twice! It’s a new planner – a new year – and I can fill it with what I choose to fill it with.

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I love this quote by T.S. Elliot: “What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.” In other words, the beginning of 2021 is…yes, the end of 2020? Whatever negative mindsets or attitudes I might have picked up either consciously or subconsciously in 2020, I choose to let go and end in order to make way for the hopefulness and positivity that I want to characterize my 2021. Just like this quote says, the end of 2020 is where we start 2021; on the foundation of a lot of valuable lessons that I learned in 2020 is where I want to build 2021. Last year was difficult in many ways, but also wonderful in many ways. After all, 2020 was the year that I, along with four of my very driven, aspiring colleagues established our own brokerage! And if it’s possible – which I believe that it is – this new year of fresh beginnings holds even greater things!

If you’d like to discuss anything from new year’s resolutions to the local real estate market, you know how to reach me! Anne Dorman @ 251-656-5758???

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